
Ali Uren

Associate Partner Team Australia

Located in the island state of Tasmania, Australia Ali specializes in solving organizational brain drain with purpose led Leaders and Founders.

While largely industry agnostic Ali’s facilitation experience includes Universities, Corporate, FMCG, Financial Services and Federal and State Government agencies.

Since 2008 Ali has partnered with over 200 brands and 2000 people to make continuous learning part of everyone’s role and create teams that have the capability to turn challenges, gaps, threats and risks into durable opportunities.

By making entrepreneurial thinking and doing part of everyone’s daily role and not just Leadership.

Ali has designed The Circular Workplace a fluid approach where the outcomes and impacts are owned by the people and not the experts.

This approach is designed specifically for purpose led teams who want to solve brain drain by capturing lessons learnt and repurposing team wisdom back into the organization.

Solving common “learning leaks” while ensuring maximum ROS (return on skills) from the investment made into skilling, up-skilling and re-skilling.  

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