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Storytelling for Business and Leadership (In-Company)


On-demand sessions tailored to your organization’s schedule and needs.


Flexible: Number and duration of sessions adjusted to client requirements, with self-directed tasks between sessions.


Enhance your organization’s communication with our bespoke “Storytelling for Business and Leadership” course, tailored specifically to meet your needs. This program empowers your team with storytelling skills to improve communication, engagement, persuasion, and influence. Participants work on real projects relevant to your organization, ensuring immediate and practical application of the skills learned.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this training, your team will:

  • Grasp the strategic importance of storytelling in your business context.
  • Identify and develop key elements of compelling stories tailored to your organization.
  • Craft narratives that align with your company’s vision, mission, and values.
  • Utilize advanced storytelling techniques to captivate and engage stakeholders.
  • Apply storytelling in diverse scenarios, from internal communications to marketing.
  • Deliver stories effectively and confidently, enhancing your overall communication strategy.


Session 1: The Power of Storytelling in Business

  • Explore the strategic role of storytelling.
  • Understand its impact on marketing, leadership, and culture.
  • Self-directed task: Identify areas for storytelling improvement in current communication.

Session 2: Elements of Storytelling

  • Learn about characters, conflict, resolution, and narrative structure.
  • Introduce the ‘Hero’s Journey’ framework tailored to your business.
  • Self-directed task: Draft an outline of your business story.

Session 3: Crafting Your Business Story

  • Practical steps to construct a compelling story.
  • Articulate your business’ purpose, vision, and values in a resonant narrative.
  • Self-directed task: Refine your story draft and gather peer feedback.

Session 4: Storytelling Techniques and Tools

  • Discover techniques like metaphor, analogy, humor, suspense, and emotional appeal.
  • Explore relevant storytelling mediums such as presentations, data visualization, and digital platforms.
  • Self-directed task: Apply techniques to your business story and prepare a presentation.

Session 5: Applying Storytelling and Mastering the Delivery

  • Tailor stories for pitching to investors, motivating teams, and engaging customers.
  • Analyze successful case studies in your industry.
  • Tips on body language, vocal variety, timing, and visual aids.
  • Final presentation: Deliver your story to the group and receive tailored feedback.